Contract Name: US Navy NIWC PAC C4ISR Systems Lifecycle and Engineering Services Support
Contract Number: N66001-16-D-0305
Sponsor: Department of the Navy, Naval Information Warfare Center – Pacific
Contract Period of Performance: 9/1/2016 – 8/31/2021, including award term options
Task Order Types: Cost Reimbursement, Time and Materials (T&M), and Firm-Fixed Price (FFP)
Basic Contract Scope:
- Multisource Intelligence Data systems engineering
- Hardware engineering
- Software engineering
- Network engineering
- Security engineering, Test & Evaluation (ST&E)
Additional services logistics planning, post development assembly and test, world-wide system maintenance, development of user documentation and training courses, delivery of training to users and maintainers, 24/7 Help Desk support, installation and fielding of systems at user sites, site installation plans, site configuration management, and supportability, maintainability and sustainability issues during system development and throughout systems life and retirement or recapitalization of the systems at end of life
DI Points of Contact:
Sales, Teaming Coordinator
John Marcinek, 703-624-7987, john.marcinek@di-llc.com
Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
Jim Scarpello , (856) 983-5955 ext. 112 , james.scarpello@di-llc.com
Quality Assurance Program:
Please see “Quality Processes” for a description of DI’s Quality Assurance Program applied to this contract.